The use of this gel showed highly positive results in tested horses.
Instructions for use
Clean with care the area to be covered, then apply a thin layer of TWYDIL® CUTAGEL.
Best results are obtained with a twice-daily application. No need for a bandage. For further information contact your veterinarian.
Spirulina extract, water, ethyl alcohol, glycerol, essential oil of Tea tree and Lavender
Antidoping certificate: THE TWYDIL® SOLUTION
- Officially certified by the LCH.
- TWYDIL® remains worldwide the only company to undertake a double control at the LCH laboratory on the product and on the blood and urine of a horse having received an overdose of the TWYDIL® product before release.
Declared content until expiry date
Thanks to the exceptional quality of the utilised ingredients and the most sophisticated techniques in producing and packaging its products, TWYDIL® is able to guarantee, under proper storage conditions and use, the declared content until expiry date.
Tube of 200 g net