Absorption and kinetics
The effects are felt by the rider and the trainer after 7 days of supplementation. For the majority of horses maximum effect will be achieved after 10 days.
Combination with TWYDIL® HIPPACAN+C is recommended in preparation for a competition.
10 vitamins, 7 trace elements, palatinose, Extracts of Ananas comosus and prebiotics
Scientific base and bibliography
More information is published in our scientific magazine HPH 13/14 (Download pdf) + (Download pdf).
Aiyegbusi AI, Olabiyi OO, Duru FI, Noronha CC, Okanlawon AO. A comparative study of the effects of bromelain and fresh pineapple juice on the early phase of healing in acute crush achilles tendon injury. J Med Food. 2011 Apr;14(4):348-52.
E. L. Berg, C. J. Fu, J. H. Porter, and M. S. Kerley Fructooligosaccharide supplementation in the yearling horse: Effects on fecal pH, microbial content, and volatile fatty acid concentrations. J. Anim. Sci. 2005. 83:1549–1553.
Antidoping certificate: THE TWYDIL® SOLUTION
- Officially certified by LCH can be used without risk.
- TWYDIL® remains worldwide the only company to undertake a triple control at the LCH laboratory on the product and on the blood and urine of a horse having received an overdose of the TWYDIL® product before release.
Declared content until expiry date
Thanks to the exceptional quality of the utilised ingredients and the most sophisticated techniques in producing and packaging its products, TWYDIL® is able to guarantee, under proper storage conditions and use, the declared content until expiry date.
Box of 10 sachets of 50 g
Carton of 100 sachets of 50 g